Saturday, November 29, 2008

Serial blasts!! Loss of innocent lifes!! Panic spread across!! Gunshots!! What next.... to be 'endured'..???

Terrorism haunts Mumbai once again. We have been observing terror attacks not only in India but across the world in the last few decades, but the question is, what have we learnt from our past experiences?? The answer is in one word 'nothing'.
We the 'public' or the 'aam janatha', what do we do in these situations? Let me tell you, we sit in front of our television screen or read the newspapers in our safe and cozy shelters and comment on the issues to no one else, but to our selves and we tend to forget everything in a few days.
We blame our government saying they do not take precautions before hand, securities are made tight only after there is a bomblast, they only wait to give away compensation to the families of those dead and injured, and after a few days, they shamelessly come to our doorsteps ,to ask for votes, we complain that the government does not work properly, but all in vain...
We look at those with powers as superior to us and hence we are scared to raise our voice, either because we feel they are superior, or because we know that the system works like this, where the voice which is raised, does not reach, where it should have reached, where those who have ever tried to make a change is lost and is never seen again anywhere in the crowd.
It is high time we realize that, it is in our own hands to change the system, It is not the government who has the power, but it is 'we' the so called 'aam janatha' who have given them those powers. It is 'we' who have to decide it right, whom the power and authorities should be given to...
We know that India is a country where there is unity in diversity, But it is true only to some extent. Even now at this age, people are being discriminated not only because of the castes and creed but also because of one's religion and region.
We fight among ourselves over small issues, but why cant we solve these peacefully and look up at the bigger problems in a bigger way...??
Communal riots can be seen everywhere.... we fight mindlessly and we forget that, it is 'we' again who are at a loss. We differentiate people on the basis of, which political party they favor...
Is this what we call UNITY......?? We say India has unity in diversity... Is it only because there are different kinds of people with different thoughts and notions, living in one country only because they are born here...
We call each other as our brothers and sisters but actually we dont believe in it from within, because if we would have believed it, then it would have not been possible for us to sit idly and see our own innocent brothers and sisters being killed brutally in these terror attacks.
Why is it that we have to realize the effects of these inhuman acts, only after our own family members have witnessed it..??
What else do we have to wait for to take an appropriate action..??
Are we going to wait to see, another cruel and brutal terror attack, where our own family members name will be in the list of people killed and injured...???
If not then join hands and let us remind those at power that it is we who have given them those..

Post your suggestions, views and comments to bring in a revolution....



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. frankly speaking i found a lot of emotions which is quite contextual.but peace is another war;a war of reason.

    if u wish,

    btw seems u r bengali;so

    "chitto jetha bhoy sunno,uchho jetha shir"-rabindranath

  3. I have a lot of emotions for those person who died in this serial blast.

    I pray for those person

  4. कहाँ हैं राज ठाकरे.....और उसकी बहादुर ''महाराष्ट्र नव-निर्माण सेना' ?? उसको बताओ.....200 एन0 एस0 जी0 कमांडोज़ ( जिनमें कोई 'मराठी-मानुष' नहीं है....सब या तो उत्तर भारतीय हैं या दक्षिण भारतीय) जो भेजे गए उसकी तथाकथित 'आमची मुंबई' को आतंकवादियों से बचाने के लिए. जिन्होंने इसलिए अपनी जान दी ताकि 'वो' जिंदा रह सके......जिन्होंने इसलिए अपनी नींदों की कुर्बानियां की ताकि 'वो' चैन से सो सके. जिन्होंने अपने लहू की सुर्खी से "आमची मुंबई'' नहीं ''अपनी मुंबई'' के माथे पर अपनी शहादत से तिलक कर दिया...........मुंबई किसी के 'बाप' की नहीं....''भारत माँ'' की है. हर हिन्दुस्तानी की है.....बिल में छिपे 'भाषावादी चूहों' से कह दो की अब वो बाहर आ जाएँ, बहादुर शेरों ने.....(वो चाहे किसी भी फोर्स के हों .....किसी भी राज्य के हों) मुंबई के खूबसूरत गुलिस्तान में घुसे वहशी भेड़ियों के कायर कलेजे अपने जूतों की एडियों के तले मसल कर रख दिए हैं.....!!!
    इस मुठभेड़ में शहीद हुए हर बहादुर हिन्दुस्तानी की शहादत को सलाम.......!!!!

  5. I have a lot of emotions for those person who died in this havoc which occored,

    but showing the emotions is not enough .....

    we should tk strict actions to get rid of this kind of havoc.......

  6. hai anusree........i must comgratulate you on this effort for our country.........yes I am an Indian....I proud to be say that.........

  7. Yes,yes... u have definitely highlighted the PROBLEMS,but how about giving people a SOLUTION instead ?

  8. Thanks, Juvenile Journo.. for your response...The query you have, is quite reasonable, and yes i would like to clear your doubt. This blog is not only highlighting the problems but it it is also a solution in itself... This blog is a forum where people can share the problems they are facing in their daily lives so that it can be brought in light in front of others who are not aware of these problems... This blog is initiated to remind those at power, whenever they go wrong.. and it is a small movement to bring them on the right path.
    Hope I have succeeded in answering your question...

  9. first of all this blog is too big too big to study for me...after that also i finished it..when i was reading this i was thinking and thanking to GOD because i was not there at that very time..but i was thinking about those person who was there at that time..i dont know what will be the after rising our the very beginning of our freedom we r rising our voice for every bad and worst thing...may i know?? what is the profit...a big ZERO..we have to b agresive... in recent situation if they hit us then we have to hit them also..nothing more..

  10. first of all this blog is too big too big to study for me...after that also i finished it..when i was reading this i was thinking and thanking to GOD because i was not there at that very time..but i was thinking about those person who was there at that time..i dont know what will be the after rising our the very beginning of our freedom we r rising our voice for every bad and worst thing...may i know?? what is the profit...a big ZERO..we have to b agresive... in recent situation if they hit us then we have to hit them also..nothing more....

  11. i was jus thinking,, why doesnt our governement send spies al over pak n other coutries wich were related to this terrorism affair,.. n one has to be in tht group to stop it..! luk, india is a big place,, politicians actually don ve any experience of the reality,, they sit in their AC rooms n always move in their white AC cars, with tinted windows.. they are helpless.. n dumb..! n ur posting has been really helpful fer me 2 luk at this entire pandemonium in a completely different way..

  12. we do have spies...that is what ISI is doing for Pakistan and RAW for India...but what if the RAW is given les importance than other aspects of the country...what if the government neglects them?--- abhi

  13. ya, are right mr.abhi..! i just said i was thinking..
    k.. here is a site ,,..
    most of you might know about this.. n the rest of u check it out.

  14. Well, and too many security guards are wasted on the security of these ministers,, first of all who is gonna attack them,.? ministers of the level of Benzair Bhutto will need security guards.. we can use these guards who protect our lazy old fashioned ministers for the protection of people.
    And during the recent terror attack in Mumbai, it took almost 2 hours for the NSG commandos to reach the spot, when there were the men from the Navy base right there.. What were they doing,,?? all they do is exercise!..

  15. Thanks, Swathi for visiting this blog and your response towards it... what you said is right and not only I but most of us feel the same...but don't you think our very base or the foundation itself is weak. Any one from any corner of the world can enter our country and make a fake ration card,and other ids.According to me,I think 'corruption' is the very word which is eating up our countries growth.. So... Is there any one who agrees with it????

  16. ya that is very true da, India is a very poor country, so almost any thing can be done for money. Most of the laws are not followed, the authorities are only not bothered.. INstead of kicking vilasarao deshmukh frm the CM post, we could have let him have the seat and we should have made him work harder, all these days nothing seemed to be a problem, but 10 terrorists have caused a fusion of thoughts in INdians, n because of them now we feel that nothing is right... anu, i m waiting to see more posts from u.

  17. good job anusri,let this blog that you have started be a flame that never dies out.suparna ma'am

  18. I have a lot of emotions for those person who died in this serial blast.Bt we should tk strict actions to get rid of this kind of pblm.......

  19. Very good work... I am feeling very good because till now we have some young blood like u.... Who at least think about our country.. I am very proud of u...

  20. i feel sorry for those mumbai inhabitants .
    they became the target of those terrorists every now and then . but in precise what ever you are trying say is that terrorism is in our mind ,
    terrorism is in our daily life. still a hindu guy dare to marry a muslim girl . we have to
    change it first . i think the new generation(like us ) will bring some positive
    vibes and it surely take time to remove this completely .
    thanks for writing anusri .waiting for your next article .


this blog is for those, who feels it is time for a change... you can post anything which you think is important for others to know may it be a social issue, any thing u feel, is not right and u want to bring it out in front of others... this is the right place for you... this forum is all yours... and if it works out the right way....the credit will be yours..
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