NO!!! I don’t want to be ‘mad’ I can’t afford to be one.
I talk to people who don’t exist at that point of time, but I still talk to them, those whom I like and also those whom I hate, I hear them talk to me and I share every thought, feeling, and emotion with people I wish to share it with, may be you would say I talk to my imaginations, but whatever it is, this is the truth!! You say I am schizophrenic? Do you?
Now slowly and gradually I too think in the same line, ‘maybe I am going mad, may be yes I am crazy’, but I don’t want to stay in those mental asylums, where those people end up because of this so called ‘society’ and then abandoned by the same, No I don’t want to go there for the rest of my life and stay there as subjects of interest for interns.
‘I am unable to trust u, though I wish to, but then all of a sudden I find all scary faces of yours, chasing me, and I end up having a confused drained gray stuff in my head and not trusting you or any other person anywhere on earth!! I sooo wish I could trust you.’
Yeah rite this is what went on and on and on in one of my friends, relatives head for quite a few years before she went crazy!! God knows why. But there are people with such thoughts in every corner of this world, who are labeled as people with ‘screwed up heads’ or in other words ‘mad’ and treated in different ways, few as animals, and others with sympathy. Knowingly or unknowingly we exploit them, sometimes for our entertainment, and at times our gaze at them makes the whole thing feel like, we are the spectators of the zoo , and have come across some rare species of humans.
Each one of us have seen people with tattered clothes, uncombed hair and talking to themselves on the streets, we avoid them when they approach us, we don’t even care to listen to their words, and walk away with weird looks on our face. Is this why we call ourselves human? Or are we trying to hide such flaws of ours under words like ‘Human and Humanity’. What is the significance of such words?